Interesting backgrounds continued. . . Variety is the Spice of Life.

Interesting backgrounds and heritage
Extra note before the end of the year 2014.

In my last blog post I was talking about the interesting backgrounds of our adoptive sons. They range from white British, to Jamaican, Nigerian/Ghanaian and Dominican. Now, with the birth of our grandchildren, our family has added further links, namely Trinidad and Tobago. . . .

Trinidad and Tobago flagImage courtesy of Vlado at

…as well as Northern Ireland and Scotland

cartoon Scotland chImage courtesy of Mister GC at

My own heritage is partly French.

France Image courtesy of taesmileland at

When I was at school – at the end of the 1940s, we moved from London to Surrey. At the school I attended in Streatham – London, children came from very varied and “interesting/exotic” backgrounds, but it was not like that in the school in Reigate, the Surrey town we moved to.

My school friend told me recently (60+ years after the event!) that my arrival at the local school in Surrey was keenly awaited. Because of my French name, they felt sure that I would look “exotic”. I didn’t know that at the time and I find it so amusing today. I do remember them all crowding round me to stare at me, but I have no idea what their conclusion was!

(I remember them all trying to shock me by saying swear words, but for some strange reason, they knew more swear words than I had ever heard of and I didn’t react because I didn’t even know they were “bad” words. That is my story and I’m sticking to it!)

  Odette as Child003       Odette by Eiffel Tower


(Not sure how old I was in the first picture, but I was 9 when I first went to France and was photographed by the Eiffel Tower.)

As everybody knows, in many cities today, people come from a great variety of backgrounds.

 children round the worldWe live in a vast inter-connected world. Let us celebrate!

Image courtesy of digitalart at

Odette Elliott
Odette Elliott
I love writing stories for children. I have had six books published and am working on others.

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