

The story so far. The story will be continued.

We have now arrived at the moment where Jah has been officially adopted. Unsurprisingly, this is not the end of the story. It is simply a […]

Bringing the good news from London to Leicester. Adoption Day.

I don’t remember much about the journey home to Leicester with the good news about Jah’s official Adoption. We knew that the children were all waiting […]

Mentioning adoption and colour. And is it true that children are “always colour-blind”?

My best friend at school in the 1940s was adopted. We all knew that, so there was no mystery or hiding the fact. As far as […]

Terminology and the emotive power of words, especially with regard to race

Recently my husband D. was performing at the Edinburgh Fringe with the drama group “3rd Thought”. The actors were presenting either a poem, a story, or […]

Dr MAYA ANGELOU – an inspirational woman.

One day I intend to write a blog post on black role models.  When we were bringing up our boys, I suppose we concentrated more on […]

Why I’m writing

In this blog I am sharing my thoughts on the experience of white parents bringing up a family of two daughters born to us and two […]