04/04/2019Published by Odette Elliott at 04/04/2019Categories Books Family History Statement Sundry reflectionsEmpathy in Children’s LiteratureWelcome back. I have been very busy writing my children’s novel – see later – which is why I have neglected my blog. Sorry! I have recently […]
26/09/2016Published by Odette Elliott at 26/09/2016Categories Statement Sundry reflections UncategorizedAdoption and Identical Twins. Nurture versus Nature.I think I have always been interested in ADOPTION, maybe because my best friend at school was adopted. It interested me to realise that she had […]
22/08/2016Published by Odette Elliott at 22/08/2016Categories Statement Sundry reflections“We are Family” – One race – Olympics – a Multiracial/Multifaith WorldThis is not meant to be a political blog. It is written in the main about our personal experiences as a multi-racial family. It is impossible […]
01/08/2016Published by Odette Elliott at 01/08/2016Categories Books Family History Statement Sundry reflectionsAn Interconnected world “For more unites us than divides us” Jo Cox MP. RiP My brother and I were brought up in an international atmosphere. Our parents were keen members of the Esperanto movement. As readers of this blog […]
07/06/2016Published by Odette Elliott at 07/06/2016Categories Adopting an older child Adoption procedures 1970- - our experience Books Family History Statement Sundry reflectionsADOPTION TODAY – Help/information/supportMy last blog ended with this sentence “I have heard that there is more help for adopted and looked-after children nowadays.” This is good news for […]
28/04/2016Published by Odette Elliott at 28/04/2016Categories Books Sundry reflections“Looked-after children” – Yesterday and Today. Illustrations in literature.During 2015 I turned on the radio and heard the following startling statement. I jotted it down “Every 20 minutes a child enters the care system. […]
04/04/2016Published by Odette Elliott at 04/04/2016Categories Family History Statement Sundry reflectionsOur boys – Born in London. Back to London in 1983.When we moved to London, I was overwhelmed by all the amazing things one could see and do in the capital. In earlier days I thought […]
08/02/2016Published by Odette Elliott at 08/02/2016Categories Grandchildren Statement Sundry reflectionsA diverse society. Girls, dolls, skin tone and self-image.“Girls and self-image” may not appear to be relevant for the upbringing of two boys from a Caribbean background, but this is certainly relevant for their […]
27/01/2016Published by Odette Elliott at 27/01/2016Categories Adopting an older child Statement Sundry reflectionsThe beloved “School Journeys” (Holidays). A boost for Jah’s self-esteemI had a very dear friend who had three children at the same Primary school. She had a good sense of humour and told me that […]