Jah and Sam. Some of their memories of childhood – artefacts (1) + Importance of a world view.

The Traveller children come to Jah’s school c. 1984
Jah’s school celebrates 100 years. The importance of drama and the Arts in education.
The Traveller children come to Jah’s school c. 1984
Jah’s school celebrates 100 years. The importance of drama and the Arts in education.

One day I asked our four “children” whether there were any interesting objects that reminded them of growing up in our family home. I didn’t want a whole list – just a few quick responses.

Jah was the first to reply. He mentioned my old sewing machine (nowadays used more as an ornament!)

Sewing machine

Also my collection of bells (still looked at and played with now and again by the grandchildren)


SAM’s Memories.

Sam said that he remembered events and experiences, not necessarily artefacts.   However, then he remembered break dancing and he thought of the piece of lino that he and Jah used to put on the pavement in front of our house, in order to do their “wicked moves”.  (Unfortunately this beloved piece of lino does not appear in the photo below.)

Jah and friends

Hip Hop boy small copy

(Courtesy freedigitalphotos)

I thought that Sam would mention his Action Man toys, but he did not. However, when he thought further, he realised how much his racer bike had meant to him, so that is definitely one artefact that he remembers with joy. (The picture shows him discovering it one Christmas morning.)bike


I was surprised and quite pleased that Jah also mentioned the large world map that we had.

world map


(This illustration is not of our actual map. The original had been drawn with illustrations to interest children and we had it for many years.)


We took it out to Malaysia and had it laminated and put into a light frame. It reminded us of “back home” in England.  Then, when we were back in Britain, it reminded us of countries where friends and loved ones live. It was also useful for general knowledge. Unfortunately I do not have a photo of the actual map today.

We regarded it as our duty to have a world view and to rejoice in diversity as we brought up our multiracial family. This was not just for the sake of the boys, but for all our sakes.

An international outlook was one that I had been encouraged to have from childhood and I believe that in today’s world we all need to see beyond our own small boundaries.

In another  post I’ll share Lucy and Anna’s childhood memories. and possibly some of my own.

Odette Elliott
Odette Elliott
I love writing stories for children. I have had six books published and am working on others.

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