Queen Elizabeth 2nd – A Life of Selfless Service

New Friends can come quite unexpectedly into one’s life
Abigay’s Farm the audio book
New Friends can come quite unexpectedly into one’s life
Abigay’s Farm the audio book

Queen Elizabeth II has meant so much to so many people around the world.  If ever I meet people who don’t see the point in having a monarchy, I tell them about just one visit the Queen made. It was a visit that brought joy to many children and teachers in Latvia. It impressed me enormously and made me feel very grateful to the Queen.

It was 2006.  The British Council sponsored a project called Kopa = “together”.  It was trying to build bridges between minority communities in Latvia.  This included minorities such as gypsies, Russian speakers (who were presumably minorities because they couldn’t speak the Latvian language) and disabled people.

Our daughter Rachel was working with Greencandle Dance Company and went to Latvia to two selected towns in Latvia, Riga plus one other to take dance workshops and to work with local dance teachers. Rachel worked mainly with hearing-impaired and deaf dancers. The culmination of this project was to be a dance performance in Riga, the capital.  As it was to be a National event, this caused great excitement.

Just before travelling to the much-anticipated show, our Queen began to suffer from severe backpain. However, she must have realised how many people were looking forward to the event and decided to travel to Lativia to grace the occasion.  Everything went well and I can just imagine how many people were delighted that their performance was seen by such an important and respected person around the world as Queen Elizabeth 2nd!!

Odette Elliott
Odette Elliott
I love writing stories for children. I have had six books published and am working on others.

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