Abigay’s Farm the audio book

Queen Elizabeth 2nd – A Life of Selfless Service
Queen Elizabeth 2nd – A Life of Selfless Service

STOP PRESS!  Abigay’s Farm is now an audio book

Reviews and feedback from readers.

obtainable from Amazon, iTunes and Audible

One of the lovely things about being an author is when someone lets you know that they have enjoyed a story you have written!  This gets even better when they share their enjoyment with others. One way of doing this is to write a book review.

Please see below a book review written by someone who recently bought a copy of Abigay’s Farm.

“Abigay’s Farm focuses on the ups and downs of life for two young secondary school twins. Sickness and changing economic farm practices threaten their family. This contemporary tale of a family’s fears and hopes, despairs and dreams makes for a gripping heart-warming read. Highly recommended for an easy enjoyable read.”  Meg Mitchell.

I recently received a video message from a young girl from our church, who moved from London to the island of Grenada. It was delightful to be able to see her looking so lovely in the sunshine and to hear her talk about enjoying the book.

Sometimes I meet young people who say they would like to be a writer one day. I encourage them and tell them that when I was nine years old, I wrote in a school exercise book that I wanted to be an author and my dream eventually came true. 

This letter is from a 10-year old girl who said she definitely wants to become a writer.

“Dear Madame Odette Elliott

Thank you for your book.  It was really nice to get a signed copy. I really enjoyed it!  I like how it shows Abigay’s perseverance and determination in saving the farm.  I’ve learnt to keep trying for I will eventually succeed. I like the farm setting where Abigays’ grandparents are surrounded by animals every day. Sometimes I wish my family had a farm, because I could play with the animals and care for the animals often. I love Abigay’s love for her brother and Juliette’s energy and excitement.

I hope I can read another of your books soon.  From M”.

Well.  I’m working on another book. It’s going to take me some time, but something drives me on!

Odette Elliott
Odette Elliott
I love writing stories for children. I have had six books published and am working on others.

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