01/06/2015Published by Odette Elliott at 01/06/2015Categories Family HistoryThe family moves. The first night in London.We have now lived in London for over thirty years, but I can still remember the day we moved in. We packed up our belongings in […]
27/04/2015Published by Odette Elliott at 27/04/2015Categories Family HistoryFinal arrangements for Jah. Most plans completed before the move.So. The forthcoming move to London seemed to suit Lucy and Anna, and Sam’s school place had been secured. I had to give in my notice […]
26/01/2015Published by Odette Elliott at 26/01/2015Categories Family HistoryAll change in the family situationThings were going along fairly well in our family in 1983. Our elder daughter, Lucy was attending a ballet company school in London. Anna, our second […]